Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/31

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under the wonderful Southern Cross where flying-fish skimmed the water and turtles lived on desert islands. He threw out his chest a little and sniffed the crisp air of early spring straight from the broad Atlantic. It seemed good. He felt a vague regret that he was not with the old mariner on the tramp steamer, learning the mysteries of sails and halyards and hovering on the brink of great unknown adventures. Dave was quiet when he entered the house.

His Aunt Martha, who had been a mother to him ever since he could remember, glanced at him curiously several times, thinking something was worrying the boy, for he was usually bubbling over with good spirits.

"What's amiss, Dave?" she asked at last, while preparing supper. "You're not sick, are you?"

"I'm all right," he said, coming out of a reverie with a start. "I was only thinking, Aunt Martha,