Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/342

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bigger mistake in his life," Tempest said. "But as it is a question of life and death, when people are throwing lead around, we'd better come to an understanding. I know you 're no coward, Dave, but I don't want to take chances without you agreeing. What do you say?"

"I'm game for anything," said the boy. "Perhaps he only intended to frighten us off. He would hardly be likely to shoot us in cold blood when we got near, would he?"

"Jim, your skin is as precious to you as ours is to us," Tempest said. "Are you agreeable to running the risk of looking like a sieve?"

"Sieve?" the Kanaka repeated without understanding.

"There's a kindly disposed gentleman over there who wants to make little holes in us with a gun, and he may do so if we go much nearer. But we particularly do want to go nearer. Do you mind?"

Jim shrugged his shoulders.