Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/367

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have n't found the platinum, or we should n't see their heels for dust. They must have made a fairly good search on the Hatteras by now."

"Surely!" Tempest agreed. "But Flagg must still have some hope, or he would have cleared out. The trouble is that we shall lose the game altogether if they do happen to strike the stuff while they are holding us off, for then they can put up their sails and leave us guessing worse than ever."

"The sooner we take a hand, the better, then,"Dave said. "What about making another attempt to come to terms with the old villain?"

"It's worth trying," said Tempest. "At least we could n't lose anything. Let's hold a council of war. Jim, we want to have a little pow-wow with that nice kind gentleman down there with the pop-gun, but he's got a horrid temper, and he might forget himself and start shooting if he saw any of us. We won't trust him any more than he trusts us. What do you suggest?"