Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/388

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he said, in tones that were intended to he ingratiating. "There may have been treasure here at one time, but there isn't now."

"All the more reason why you can scoot back to Washington Island at top speed with an easy mind," was the uncompromising reply.

"Of course, there's always a chance, if we searched long enough—"

"You've had your chance, Flagg, and you took it dishonorably. You won't get another until we have had ours."

"But couldn't we all work together? It's a bigger job than you seem to think." The man still, apparently, cherished the hope that the Hatteras treasure might be located.

"Listen to me," said Tempest. "I did intend, if ever I got this opportunity, to give you the biggest hiding you ever heard of. You deserve it—and worse. I'm not sure I shouldn't be doing a kindness to you by teaching you a lesson. You 're a sneak, Flagg, a low sneak-thief. I have felt like