Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/416

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rope, will you? There's a box here I'd like to take along with me."

The crew of the Seven Seas stared with curiosity as the trio scrambled on board. One sees strange things in those lonely waters, but not often such a strange thing as two men and a boy at the mercy of the waves in a cockle-shell of a boat.

"Been on a little pleasure-trip?" asked the captain, coming forward with a smile.

The engines had already started again, and the Nautilus, left to her doom, was dropping astern.

"Shipwrecked," Tempest replied briefly. "Much obliged to you for picking us up, Cap'n. May I ask where you are bound?"

"Frisco the next stop. We've got a pretty full crew, but I don't doubt we can keep you busy till we hit America."

Tempest exchanged glances with Dave, and laughed.

"I think, sir," he said, "for once we'll enjoy