Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/54

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"Hello, kid, which is the way to New York?" he asked jerkily.

"It's miles from here. This is Brooklyn," Dave said.

"Do you know the way around here?" the boy asked. "I want to get out of this quick."

"Come with me," said Dave, growing more interested. He had learned every turn and corner of the docks. Three minutes later they were in a busy street, and the boy seemed to breathe more freely. His face began to wear a triumphant smile.

"That's fine!" he said. "I'll be safe now."

"Safe from what?"

"I've skipped the ship. I was scared to death somebody would spot me. I've got all my things in my pockets."

"What did you skip the ship for?" Dave asked, hugely pleased at being concerned, even in a small way, with a nautical adventure.

"Wanted to see America," responded the