Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/81

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fact while he was scrambling to his feet with one eye on the maters red hair, which appeared to bristle and stand erect.

"I'm very sorry, sir," the boy stammered. "The boat swayed just then."

Mr. Quick's arm was raised and an angry light shone in his eyes.

"You lubberly pup!" he bellowed. "I 'll teach you better manners than to throw soup over an officer of the ship. She swayed, did she! Then this is where you sway!" and he struck at the boy with a huge fist.

Had the blow landed where Mr. Quick intended it to, Dave would probably have been knocked unconscious, but he dodged just in time, and the mate, still hurling abuse at Dave, and mopping himself down with a handkerchief, turned on his heel and disappeared along the alleyway; while Dave, very crestfallen, went back to the galley for more soup. There more trouble was awaiting him, for Barnes seemed to be in the worst of tem-