Page:Barbour--Peggy in the rain.djvu/106

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"You know my name," she said, faintly indignant.

He looked puzzled. "Peggy, you mean?"

"My last name, of course."

"Oh, but I don't! I want to! What is it, please?"

She smiled scornfully. "At least be truthful, Mr. Ames!"

"Truthful? What do you mean? Don't you believe me? I give you my word that I haven't any more idea what your last name is than—than that truck horse!"

She viewed him doubtfully. "But—I thought——" She paused confusedly.

"What did you think, please?"

"Nothing. That is, I thought—Leona Morrill had told you."

"Then you know that I asked her? She told me only a night or so ago that she hadn't seen you."

"She hadn't then. I lunched with her yesterday."

"But surely she didn't tell you that she'd told me your name? She wouldn't tell me a thing. She said you—didn't want me to know. Didn't you?"