Page:Barbour--Peggy in the rain.djvu/217

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Waterloo or Austerlitz, or wherever it was, and prate nobly about duty? Not much! I'm just as fond of money and what money can buy, of position and what position can give as any woman in the world, but if the right man came along and crooked his little finger I'd——"

Up went one of Leona's feet in a whisk of lace and a white pump flew across the deck.

"—Kick the conventions into a cocked hat and follow him!"

Gordon stared. "Good Lord, Leona!" he exclaimed.

She laughed grimly. "I know. You're terribly surprised. Leona Morrill is supposed to be a lump of ice and a block of marble and—and a piece of wood all rolled into one. But I'm not. I'm just the same as every other woman when it comes to—to the fundamental. And with a woman the fundamental isn't duty or decency or position or wealth; it's love! Will you please hand me my pump?"

"I beg your pardon," he murmured, as he rescued it.

"I beg yours," she laughed. "I've doubtless shocked you terribly?"