Page:Barbour--Peggy in the rain.djvu/227

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changes in the traffic department followed. A publicity bureau was placed in charge of a practical advertising man with headquarters in Chicago, and the road's new slogan, evolved by Gordon, "The One Best Road—C. and W.," began to placard the country.

Peter went on to the Berkshires the last of August and a week later Gordon followed him for a few days' stay. It was then that Gordon and Leona, in secret council, decided on a career for the unsuspecting Peter. Peter was to be elected a vice-president of the C. and W. Once in office, Leona declared calmly, she would see that he earned his salary. When they told Peter he grinned amiably.

"Don't know a thing about it, Gordon," he said, "but I'm willing to learn. I suppose a vice-president has his own private car; what?"

Peter and Leona were married at St. Thomas's early in October. Gordon, as best man, sustained Peter through the trying ordeal and saw them off on the steamer afterwards. Peter's grin was broader than ever. Gordon declared later that it was visible long after the Kaiser Wilhelm was hull-down on the horizon. On the steamer Leona