Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/115

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tell them a gentleman sent it, believing them to be hungry. If they ask what I look like tell them you didn't notice. Understand?"

"Yes, sir, I understand." He grinned appreciatively. "I reckon they'll be mighty pleased to get it, sir. Young lady says she's most starved to death. Asked me could I get her something at Lowell, but there wasn't time." He tucked the money away under his jacket.

"Mind, now, don't let them get anything out of you."

"No, siree! I forgot what you look like already" And he went off up the aisle, package in hand, chuckling enjoyably.

Wade saw him knock on the drawing-room door and then he went back to his seat in the drafty day coach, took a sweater from his bag and rolled it up for a pillow, stretched himself out on his short couch, his legs draped picturesquely over the arm, drew his coat over him and prepared for slumber.