Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/118

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Gordon. "I want a ham, Prue, a big one, too. That's a rhyme. Gee, they're good! Who do you suppose sent 'em, Prue? Maybe it was that conductor. I saw him looking at you, sis!"

"Did you?" she laughed. "Auntie dear, try one of these? They're perfectly delicious."

Aunt Mildred viewed the proffered sandwich distrustfully.

"No, I shall take an orange."

"Oranges come later, for dessert," said Prue. "Sandwiches first. Please just try it."

"We-ell, I suppose we might as well all die together! Just a little piece of it, dear."

"No, all or none," said Prue firmly. "Think how you'd feel if you lingered on for an hour or so after the rest of us had gone!"

"Prue! You do say such awful things! I'll never be able to swallow this now!"

But she did, and followed it with a second and ate a whole orange. And in ten minutes