Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/135

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"You bet! Gee, those sandwiches were good!" He smiled reminiscently. Then, "What do you do when you're a miner, sir?" he asked. "Do you dig up gold?"

After that for a half-hour the conversation had to do with mining and miners, and Gordon was intensely interested in all that Wade told him. Some of the stories made his eyes sparkle.

"Gee, I believe, I'll be a miner when I get through college," he exclaimed. "It must be lots of fun. And a fellow could get pretty rich, couldn't he, if he discovered a good mine?" He observed Wade admiringly. "I suppose you've got a lot of gold, sir?"

"A little," Wade laughed. "But good mines aren't so easy to find, my boy. And it's a pretty hard life, take it all around."

"I'd like it," declared Gordon emphatically. "I'd like to travel around like that and look for gold or silver. That would be a lot of fun. Then, if I didn't find a mine, I could buy one."