Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/174

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his shoulders and turned down the collar of his jacket.

"I'm afraid," he said apologetically, "that I shall have to trespass, Miss Burnett. This seems to be the only place there is."

"I fancy," she replied very coldly, "you have as much right here as I have." She watched him approach the stove and stretch his bare hands to the warmth. Even across the room and in the dim light she could see how they shook. Suddenly she sat up very straight on the bench.

"Mr. Forbes!"


"You haven't any overcoat!"

"Not here," he replied, his teeth chattering.

"And you've been out there all this time?"

"Well, there wasn't anywhere else, Miss Burnett. I tried to break into the baggage room but the door was locked."

"I never heard of anything so—so foolish! You've probably caught a terrible cold!" Then indignation gave way to con-