Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/186

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said Wade as he struggled with a piece on his plate.

"How absurd you are," answered Prue. "Who ever heard of a deer that was a spring chicken? It's perfectly delicious and I was never so hungry in my life."

There were no sauce-plates for the stewed peaches, so they ate them from the bowl with their coffee spoons.

"We ought to have eaten these first as appetizers," said Wade. "There're as sour as vinegar."

"Put some sugar on them," she advised. "I'm going to. I'll have to use my own spoon, though. There isn't any more bread, is there?"

There wasn't, and Wade shook his head disconsolately.

"I ought to have brought more," he said,

"Oh, I've had quite enough. And it was all as nice as could be. You are a wonderful caterer, Mr. Forbes. And now, will you have some spruce gum?" She laughed.