Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/202

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search of the flamingo gown, and Prue found it vastly amusing. He followed that with other incidents of Dave's stay in the metropolis, and then harked back to the West and told of his first meeting with Dave. And when he stopped Prue sighed.

"It must be wonderful to be a man," she said thoughtfully. "He has so many things happen to him."

"Not all pleasant, though," said Wade smilingly.

"What does that matter? They're—they're things, they're adventures! Women just exist; their days are all alike; nothing ever really happens to them."

"Is today like all your other days?" asked Wade.

"No, that's true," she laughed. "I'm really having an adventure! I've been kidnapped and held captive by—by a very desperate character who—" She paused and went on gravely; "Do you know, Mr. Forbes, I'd quite forgotten that you were—were—"