Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/73

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crime to fall in love with a beautiful girl and no crime to want to meet her. The lady would probably think him crazy at first, but he hoped to be able to convince her of his sanity. He would present what credentials he could, request her to make inquiries as to his respectability and financial standing and, if satisfactory, introduce him to her neice. Oh, it was plain sailing after all. Thereupon he turned over and went to sleep.

The next morning was a busy one. Dave's trunk was to pack and the problem of getting everything into it was appalling. In the end Wade went across the street and bought a big leather bag and saved the day. After an early luncheon they crossed to the station and Wade saw Dave safely installed in his sleeper.

"I put a few things in your trunk, Dave," he said. "Something for you and Minnie, and a few trinkets for the kids. Give them all my love, old man, and wish them a Merry Christmas. There's the bell. Good