Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/99

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more warm and lovable. Now and then the veriest ghost of a frown ruffled the white forehead and the long lashes flickered, and Wade, putting the symptoms down to weariness and depression and hunger, melted in sympathy until it occurred to him that she was probably aware of his steady observation and was annoyed by it. Whereupon he resolutely swung his chair around and stared at the darkened window. He had his reward, in fact two rewards. The window was like a mirror and in it he saw the Girl raise her head and look across at him for a moment, and after that he found that he could still see her almost as well as when facing her. After awhile she laid her magazine down with a little gesture of boredom and consulted her watch. After that she yawned frankly, folded her hands loosely on top of the magazine and stared at the cover of the Ladies' Pictorial.

The train slowed down and ran into the station at Providence. Wade went to the end of the car, found a time-table and