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The English Scholar s Library. 25 13- George Joy, an early Protestant Reformer . An Apology to Tindale. 1535- An Apology e made by George Jo ye to satisfy e (if it may be) w. Tindale: to pourge and defende himself ageinst so many sclaunderouse lyes fay ned vpon him in Tindals vn- charitable and vn- sober Pystle so well worthy e to be prefixed for the Reader to induce him into the vnderstanding of hys new Testament, dili- gently corrected and printed in the yeare of our Lorde 1534, in Nouember [Antwerp, 27 Feb. 1535.] This almost lost book is our only authority in respect to the surreptitious editions of the English New Testament , which were printed for the English market with very many errors, by Antwerp printers who knew not English, in the interval between Tindale’s first editions in 1526, and his revised Text (above referred to) in 1534. 14. Richard Barnfield, oj Darlaston , Staffordshire. Poems. i 594-i598» The affectionate Shepheard. Contain- ing the Complaint of Daphnis for the Loue of Ganymede. In the following Work, Barnfield states that this is “an imitation of Virgill t in the second Eglogue of A lexis." Cynthia. With Certaine Sonnets , and the Legend of Cass- andra. 1595. The Author thus concludes his Preface : “ Thus, hoping you will beare with my rude conceit of Cynthia (if for no other cause, yet, for that it is the First Imitation of the verse of that excellent Poet, Maister Spencer , in his Fayrie Queene ), I leaue you to the reading of that, which I so much desire may breed your Delight.” The Encomion of Lady Pecunia; or, The f raise of Money. 1598. Two of the Poems in this Text have been wrongly at- tributed to Shakespeare. The disproof is given in the Introduction. i5- T[homas] C[ooper], [■ Bishop of Winchester J Admonition to the People of England. [ i5 8 9-3 An admonition to the people of England: Wherein are an- swered, not onely the slaunderous vntrue- thes, reprochfully ot- tered by Martin the Libeller ; but also many other Crimes by some of his broode , objected generally against all Bishops , and the chiefe of the Cleargie , purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church . [Jan. 1589.] This is the official reply on the part of the Hierarchy, to Martin Marprelate's Epistle of [Nov.] 1508 : see No. n on p. 24. It was published between the appearance of the Epistle and that of the Epitome.