Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/106

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and a half behind closed doors sent an electric thrill through the whole investment world. Interests opposed to Flannigan acted like houses of cards. Financial New York and London were filled with fear and uncertainty. How big was the cat, and which way would it jump? was the question which no one could answer.

When Flannigan emerged from those guarded rooms the reporters said that he looked pleasant and smiled, but would say nothing; at least, he would say nothing further than that his visit to Lord Stranleigh had merely been one of courtesy; that they had not discussed finance at all, as he had called solely to offer Lord Stranleigh the hospitality of his private car, inviting him to a tour over the lines he controlled, but he could not announce whether Lord Stranleigh would accept or not; and this statement, being strictly true, was credited by no one on this unbelieving earth, cabled, as it was, all over the world.

The real Lord Stranleigh, when he heard all this, nearly doubled with laughter, as, back in his own room once more, with Peter standing seriously before him, he increased rather than calmed the latter's fears.

"That resourceful man," laughed Lord Stranleigh, "will make monkeys of us before he has done with us. Peter, we'd better pack up and get back to England while we've enough money left to pay our passage. Why didn't we take return