Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/135

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"Sit down, gentlemen," he said. "Talking's dry work, and you have been unduly garrulous, so I think a round of beer won't hurt you."

He touched a button, and gave the order. The labourers smacked their lips, and seated themselves once more.

"Now, gentlemen," began Lord Stranleigh, as soon as the beer was brought and the servant gone. He knew politicians always addressed labourers as gentlemen, and so followed the example. "I shall seize the first opportunity and run down to Muddlebury. You, Mr. Stiles, can probably get a day off, and accompany me as guide round the property. I should like to know the lay of the land, and to study the needs of the people. I am rather a stupid person, but you may have noticed that when a thing is explained very clearly to me I sometimes grasp a few of the details. What I have practically made up my mind to do, subject to the information gained on the visit I have referred to, is this. I shall leave the old cottages as they stand, if they are picturesque. We will allow Wilson to let them to Londoners who don't know any better. I shall get into touch with the best cottage architect there is in England, and I shall build new cottages, each of which will be equipped with a bathroom. Where do you get water? From wells?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Very good. I shall look into the water supply also. I think I can guarantee you nice sanitary