Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/139

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Finally Stiles in astonishment shouted out:

"Dang my buttons if there beant Rennet's farm!"

"Yes, and there be Grice's farm next door to un!" cried another.

"And that's Muddlebury steeple on ahead," said a third, and then all five laughed.

Before they entered the village, and just alongside of the railway station, Stranleigh ordered the car to stop.

"Now," he said, "I'll put you down here, for we don't want to make a sensation in Muddlebury, setting all the gossips' tongues a-wagging. What is the principal hotel in the place?"

"The Stranleigh Arms," replied Stiles.

"Oh, well, I ought to feel at home there, but I don't wish anyone to know I am spying out the land. My name at the Stranleigh Arms will be Edmund Trevelyan. Can you remember that, Mr. Stiles?"

"Oh, yes, my lord."

"Very well; if you could make it convenient to call there to-morrow at half-past ten, and accompany me on my rounds, I'd be very much obliged. Ask for Mr. Trevelyan. Should your master object to letting you go two days in succession, engage a substitute if you can, and I'll pay for him."

"Oh, that's easily done, my lord."

"Very good. Then say to those whom you represent that you have seen Lord Stranleigh in London; that he has taken the matter under con-