Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/141

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but that rather aggravates than mitigates his cold contempt for the layman. People who have had experience with the grafter in the west, and the granite-like honesty of the office-holder in England, have been known to prefer the genial good-fellowship and human sympathy of the pirate.

Lord Stranleigh found a letter on his breakfast-table that astonished without perturbing him. He little knew the nature of the breakers ahead. The following is a copy of the document which caused his eyebrows to rise, even if at that moment his hair did not follow suit.

"To Lord Stranleigh of Wychwood.

My Lord,

I am directed by the District Council of Muddlebury to call your attention to an action which I am desired to describe as not only high-handed but illegal. The District Council is informed that you have caused to be erected on your property within its jurisdiction certain structures which they believe to be unauthorised. According to Act of Parliament (here followed the designations of the statutes referred to) any person desiring to erect a building of any sort must first submit the plans thereof to the District Council, and must not proceed therewith except at his own peril, without the authorisation of the said Council. I am directed to ask you to produce the authorisation of the cottages you have put up on your estate, or