Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/146

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"Some of them, my lord."

"Has Stiles moved into his new cottage?"

"Not yet, my lord."

"Nor any of the four men who were here with him?"

"No, my lord."

"H—m; that's merely a coincidence, I suppose?"

"Coincidence, my lord? I don't quite understand you."

"You are not teaching Stiles and the rest that it is better to refuse when they are asked to form a delegation?"

"Oh, no, my lord."

"I thought not. And it is equally absurd to suppose that you are giving an indolent person like myself a lesson in not interfering in the business of my agents?"

"I should be sorry if you believed that, my lord."

"I know you would be," said Stranleigh with one of his enigmatical smiles.

"I shall go at once, my lord, to Muddlebury, and see the members of the District Council. I know them all, and am sure I can rectify this error."

"Very well, do so, and while you are there see that the work on Stiles's cottage is pushed forward a bit. If you fail with the District Council; that is, if you do not get the signatures of the majority of