Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/181

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"We have many more shots in the locker. Name your poison, as they say out West."

"My doctor orders me to drink champagne, but that's merely because he doesn't know what's wrong with me, and is marking time."

"Perkins, open a bottle of '78; I should like a glass of fizz myself."

They went together into the breakfast room. Stranleigh had become almost accustomed to the ghastly appearance of his unexpected guest. Shrewdly he was studying the man while appearing not to do so. They sat down together at the table, and Perkins opened the bottle of champagne. Stranleigh's scrutiny was satisfactory, as his conversation soon showed.

"Your club is closed for the night, and perhaps your residence is not in this neighbourhood. May I offer you a room?"

"You are very kind. Lord Stranleigh, but I could not think of imposing on your hospitality. Indeed, I feel I have already trespassed too long."

"Oh, that's all right," cried Stranleigh, airily. "Perkins, just prepare a room where it is quiet, over the court-yard. See that everything necessary is at hand, and then go to bed yourself."

When Perkins had disappeared, Stranleigh continued:

"My great object is to get Perkins off, otherwise we shall have him hanging round till daybreak. And now, Marlow, would you prefer to tell me what