Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/195

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use his influence, not his money, he had given a flat refusal without even troubling to understand the scheme that was proposed. The Honourable John poured maledictions on the heads of all Scotchmen, especially those of the north who wore "Mac's" to their names. He said to Isador that it was the general supposition you could get anything out of a Scotchman if you did not touch his pocket, but they were uncivil, disobliging brutes, who took everything they could and gave nothing in return.

"Oh," cried Isaacstein, with hot-tempered impatience, "you swells are all alike."

"What do you mean by 'you swells'?"

"You, and Mackeller, and Stranleigh."

"Mackeller isn't a swell; he's a bally Scotch barbarian, with the manners of a gillie."

"Well, he seems to have more influence with Lord Stranleigh than you possess."

"I never said I had influence with Stranleigh."

"Then what am I paying you good money for?" cried Isaacstein with an oath.

"Why, I've done my best. I've written letter after letter to him, as you know, and although he replies politely enough, he hasn't done what I wished him to do. I'll give you a letter of introduction to him, just as I did Mackeller, if you think it will do any good, but simply because I tell you I'm sure it won't, then you round on me."

Once more Isaacstein delivered his opinion of the Honourable John in language terse and profane.