Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/243

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I am able to learn at this early hour, all the names of the board of directors are people of respectability, and some of them are rich. Selwyn's Bank is given as the banking firm of the new company, and, as you know, this is a financial house of the very highest standing in the City. The whole prospectus seems not only genuine, but most attractive, and the one pound shares are offered at twenty-five shillings each, which shows that its promoters are confident about getting the money. Nevertheless, I thought it best to acquaint you with the fact that your name is blazoned abroad as the leading spirit of this company, and I await your instructions. It is still three hours till the bank opens, and up to that time nothing can be done."

"By Jove!" said Stranleigh, just above his breath; then again he murmured "By Jove!" and a third time "By Jove!" The tidings he had read were so unexpected, and for the moment his own position appeared so hopeless, that the blow temporarily suspended the young man's originality of expression. He stepped out of bed into a pair of slippers, threw a dressing-gown over his shoulders, and spoke in a whisper, as if all the ship were listening and he did not intend them to hear.

"Thanks, Marlow. You've more than repaid me, my boy, for anything I can ever do for you. Let's get into the operator's room," and so they