Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/259

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In India, Edward the Seventh is an Emperor; in Great Britain he is a King, but on the Island of Guernsey, he is merely Duke of Normandy. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other portions of the British Empire display the medallion of Edward the Seventh on their coinage, but the Guernsey penny shows no head of Emperor, King or Duke.

Lord Stranleigh was an Earl in every portion of the King's dominions except one, and that was the beautiful little coast town of Pebblesdale, the home of stalwart sea fishermen, said, when caught young, to be the very best recruits for His Majesty's navy. In this idyllic spot Lord Stranleigh was known as Tom Pitts, and was probably the most popular young fellow in the neighbourhood.

Hardly a fisher lass in the place but would have married him if he had asked her, yet Tom caused no heartburnings, for it became universally known