Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/351

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do think that when an Englishman is a beast he's the worst beast in creation."

"Tut-tut-tut," cried Stranleigh. "Don't libel your countrymen, Sir Phillip. A beast is a beast wherever you find him, and, if you ask me, I don't think there's much to choose between them. Everything is all right, so let's put on cheerful countenances, and I'll promise you something good to eat."

"You don't seem afraid to join us, then, Lord Stranleigh?"

"Afraid? Why, hang it, no. I've just been amusing myself this morning. The General Manager looks on our conference as waste of time. So it is. I knew that from the first. I was merely giving the man his chance. He didn't take it. He'll try to recover lost ground when he breakfasts with us at twelve."

"But he said he wasn't coming."

"Oh, he said that, but he doesn't know. He thinks he's General Manager of the Great Southern, instead of which he's Kuropatkin at Mukden. He's looking after his front, and we made a frontal attack, therefore we are repelled, but he has not safeguarded his flanks, always a fatal mistake in war. Ah, here's the automobile."

But there were two automobiles. From one of them an eager young man sprang forward and cried: