Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/47

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back; but if he should cut his sticks up the street, why, then you can chase him and bring him to me. The lad who captures him shall have the knife and the screw-driver."

But the boy came out of Bendale's stores jubilant, and darted straight as an arrow for Lord Stranleigh. "Look at that!" he cried, displaying his purchases. "And here's the change."

"Now the next boy."

"I don't need a screw-driver," said the next boy, "but my sister wants a pair of scissors."

"Good lad, for remembering other people. Here you are; buy her the best pair of scissors in the shop. I'm trusting you with a pound."

Number Two fled, and disappeared into Bendale's shop, but almost instantly came out again and fled up the street. There was a howl of rage from his comrades, and they broke away like a pack of hounds, but Stranleigh shouted them back.

"You suspicious little imps," he cried. "Don't you trust anyone on earth, even your own friends? Isn't there sense enough among you to guess what's happened? Mr. Bendale hasn't the change, and the boy has gone to get it."

"But you gave him a quid," protested the one who had been honest on ten shillings. As they spoke they saw the boy re-appear, entering again the cutlery store, and presently he returned with a heavy knife and a glittering pair of shears, also