Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/54

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and such an enterprise is usually successful until one meets a bigger dog than himself, or until the pack turns on him. You people should have combined long ago."

"We tried to, but we were each competitors with the others, and all suspicious of one another. The most timid deserted, and made terms with Brassard. Then the combination fell to pieces."

"We won't trust the pack, Mr. Bendale. In the combination I hope to form there will be only one man who can betray us, and that man is myself. I shall own the majority of stock. Are you acquainted with all your fellow tradesmen in this neighbourhood?"

"With most of them. I have been in business here for nearly fifteen years."

"Are you on friendly terms with those you meet?"

"Yes. That is to say, I was. I have kept rather to myself for some time past."

"The man next door to your right is a chemist, isn't he?"

"Mr. Challoner. Yes, my lord."

"Do you know him well enough to drop in on him in a companionable way for the enjoyment of a chat?"

"Oh, yes, I suppose so, although I've done little visiting this while back."

"Now, listen to me, Mr. Bendale, and pay strict attention while I unfold my purpose. Please re-