Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/72

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"If you will allow me to give you a brief account of the case, I rather think there are some features in it that will appeal to you."

But Stranleigh, with a laugh, turned to his man, and commanded him, in the name of mercy, to bring a grilled sole and some fresh coffee. Peter's mouth must be stopped at any cost.

The refection was very speedily placed before Mackeller, who, grumbling with some discontent, in a low voice, nevertheless partook of it with zest.

"You ought to go further west than New York, Peter."


"Because you're such a great bear. You should get out into those mountainous regions where the President hunts."

Mackeller growled, but went on with his fish. The trend of the interview did not please him.

"Couldn't I make you happy by selling you some shares in my shop?"

"I've all I can attend to already."

"Do you mean the sole, or the New York business?"

Mackeller disdained to reply, but finishing his breakfast, pushed back his chair, drawing a deep sigh as he did so. Mackeller had more finesse than Stranleigh gave him credit for.

"I've got myself into rather a tangle," he began slowly. "I'm up a tree. I'm afraid I've bitten off more than I can chew, as they say out west, and