Page:Barr--Stranleighs millions.djvu/88

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Stranleigh laughed good-naturedly.

"Well, Peter, you've been doing most of the talking, and taking rather a long time to arrive anywhere; in fact, you have not yet arrived. I don't see where you come in, or where there is any room for me. Flannigan, as I said before, had placed everything in this man's hands; given him all that he asked for without a murmur, and without discussion; told him quite truly that if the invention is a success he shall need no influence to get it placed, then, seemingly, washed his hands of the affair and went on with his business, leaving Sarsfield-Mitcham a clear field and guaranteeing him against interference. What more could the girl want?"

"I admit that on the surface she certainly appears to be unreasonable, but she is convinced her father is surrounded by men in Flannigan's employ acting as his agents."

"Who chose these men?"

"Her father did."

"Well, really, Peter, this young woman's unfairness is prejudicing me against her. If her father himself deliberately chose his assistants, how can Flannigan be even remotely responsible? I'm becoming sorry for Flannigan dealing in an open-handed manner with a middle-aged visionary, whose daughter sees something sinister in everything Flannigan does. How old is this young woman?"