Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/232

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Joe did not get to chapel that morning. He was all ready to go with Tom and the others after making a hasty toilet, when a messenger came to the door.

"Dr. Fillmore wants to see you in his office, Joe," said the messenger—a nice lad who did this work to help pay for his tuition.

"Wants to see me—what for?" demanded our hero. "Are you sure that's right, Georgie?"

"Sure, and a teacher's there with him. I'm not sure but I think it's something about the over-thrown statue. I heard them mention it as they called me to go for you."

"The overturned statue? I don't know anything about it!" exclaimed Joe. "I only just this moment saw it—from my window."

"Well, the doctor wants you, anyhow," repeated the messenger lad. "You'd better go."

"Oh, sure," assented Joe, and he started for