Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/198

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"BOY WANTED" By NIXON WATERMAN A book of cheerful counsel that will interest both boys and older folks. The book consists of eight chapters, "The A-wakening," "Am I a Genius?" "Opportunity," "Over and Underdoing," "The Value of Spare Moments," "Cheerfulness," "Drawing and Dreaming and Do- ing" and "Real Success." These contain sensible, sturdy and meaty observations on life and ways of life from which any boy may derive real profit. There isn't a bit of cant or preaching in them, but they are spirited , encouraging and cheering. The keynote of Mr. Water- man's philosophy as sounded throughout all his poetry in books and magazines is cheerfulness. Price «1.35— Mailed by li. A. W. Publishing Co., 381 Columbus Ave. Boston, To Any Address. Otber Waterman Books:— In Merry Mood, $1.35; A Book of Verses, $1.85 Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal It is tHe largest journal devoted to automo- biles in the vrorld. It Has more pages of reading matter each issue than any other automobile publication in the world. It Kas five special departments in addition to the general subject matter; one devoted to Commercial Vehicles, one to Motor Boats, one to Motor Cycles, one of special interest to dealers and a mechanical and technical de- partment. These special Departments give to the reader a thorough knowledge on all subjects of interest to Automo- bile, xViotorcycle and Motor Boat pleasure-seekers. THere are live or six special num- bers issued a year. Supplied by L. A. W. Periodical Department for $1.50 per year.