Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/389

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Chas. W. Houston, of Pittsburg, writes: 'The Keystone Bicycle Club of Pittsburg, Pa., will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary next September at Schenley Park. Automobile and motor cycle races will be held in addition to the bicycle events. President Reiter has prepared an attractive series of entertainments for the coming winter season and the members are looking forward to a revival of the old-time 'Keystone enthusiasm' and a large increase in the club's membership. At the club's election on Monday evening the following officers for the year 1909 were elected: Presi- dent, Charles B. Reiter; vice president, Trevor F. Myler; secretary-treasurer, George W. Glassburn; directors,. Charles W. Houston, Julius H. Blackburn, Charles A. Bruce, Harry G. Tinker, George D. DuBarry, T. Morrison McKenna ^.nd C. J. Cassity. The club was organized Sept. 13, 1879, with a membership of thirteen and at the present time there are 155 active members enrolled. Col. Thomas J. Keenan, T. F. Myler and Frank C. Orr, all ex-ofificials of the L. A. W., are still active workers in the club."

Orville W. Lawson, of Louisville, writes: "It is a pleas- ure to contribute to the good cause and keep the old wheel moving. Those who have visited Louisville in the palmy days of cycling might be interested in a few items from here. Fountain Ferry has been sold and is conducted as a park resort on an extensive scale. The old track famous in its day is grown up in grass, or weeds. The cement can be seen but that's about all. Tony Landenwich lives just across the car track from the old three-lap cycle track; Mrs. Landenwich is dead; Chas. J. Martin (once of Martin & Dressing), Mike Fleck, once on the racing board, Jack Sullivan, Ben Humphreys and Dan Sauer are gathered to their fathers. Howard Jeffries rides several centuries each year just as of yore. Prince Wells is still much in evidence as is Phil Allison. Ed Meglemry is a member of the fiscal court. W. W. Watts, G. E. Johnson, H. B. Tileston and Owen Lawson are in their usual state of preservation and cheerfulness. Keep her moving. Brer Bassett, sentiment is not dead even if it does need to be aroused and you are the ideal arouser. Good luck to Grandpa Bassett and the L. A. W."