Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/46

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tain Talmudic ordinances concerning the knife to be used for slaughtering.


Superstition.—What is "superstition"? Is not evolution a superstition?

Ans.—Superstition means to stand in awe of something, an irrational fear of that which is mysterious or unknown, especially fear of invisible or imaginary existences. The evolutionists do not regard their theory as founded on superstition, but rather on the history of man through the different stages of his development.


A Million.—Can a man honestly earn a million dollars?

Ans.—It depends upon what you mean by "earn." If the man does not contravene any moral or legal obligation of a citizen in amassing a sum of this magnitude he may be said to earn it. By his own physical exertions it would be impossible, but physical ability is not a fair criterion of earning power. If a man should start out to earn a large sum it would not be long before he set his capital to work to help him, would he then be unaided?


Turkey.—A correspondent takes exception to our statement that the turkey was not known to civilized nations till 1584. He quotes from Prescott's "Conquest of Mexico." "No less than five hundred turkeys, the cheapest meat in Mexico, were allowed for the daily consumption of these tyrants (birds of prey) of the feathered race." A. D. 1519. He adds, "Therefore Cortes and his Spanish cutthroats had a