Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/58

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Turning to the modern period of development, there are a number of inventions from which the motor carriage as it exists today evolved. In 1884, Gottlieb Daimler invented his small high-speed gas engine, followed in 1885 by his invention of a single cylinder, inclosed crank and fly-wheel engine. In 1885, Carl Benz invented his single horizontal cylinder water-jacketed engine, which he applied to a three-wheel carriage. In 1889, M. Leon Serpollet invented his water-tube boiler, which he applied to a motor vehicle in 1894.

The writer was describing his fight with a big fish (which probably escaped). He wrote: "I lived over those tense moments again and again," but he was made by the types to say that he "lied over those tense moments again and again."

The proverbs on luck are numerous and expressive in all languages. In English we say "It is better to be born lucky than rich." The Arabs convey the same idea in the apt proverb, "Throw him into the Nile and he will come up with a fish in his mouth," while the Germans say, "If he flung a penny on the roof a dollar would come back to him." A Spanish proverb says, "God send you luck, my son, and little wit will serve you." There is a Latin adage, "Fortune favors fools," and it is to this Touchstone alludes in his reply to Jacques, "Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune." The Germans say, "Jack gets on by his stupidity" and "Fortune and