Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/67

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those who go on the "Wheel about the Hub," to take in the two events on one trip to Boston. The following officers were elected: President, Wm. B. Everett, Boston. First Vice-President, Nelson H. Gibbs, Providence. Second Vice-President, E, F. Hill, Peekskill. Secretary-Treasurer, Abbot Bassett, Boston. Auditor, George W. Nash, Boston. Adjourned.

Are you coming to Boston for Old Home Week? The wheelmen will have a "day." The railroads have granted a special excursion rate — one first-class limited fare plus $2 for the round trip, going and returning over same routes over which one-way tickets are regularly sold; tickets to be sold so that passengers will not arrive in Boston earlier than July 2.y nor later than July 30; returning, leaving Boston from July 29 to August 5, inclusive, except that by deposit of ticket in person by original purchaser with Vali- dating Agent not later than August 5, and payment of fee of $1 at time of deposit, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Boston to August 31, inclusive, exten- sion to be made by means of extension certificate.

The City Committee having in charge Old Home Week in Boston has granted the Wheelmen's Committee the right to change Wheelmen's Day from Monday, July 28, to Saturday, August 3. A better day for us. We hope to give program of the day in next issue.

The Century Club of Philadelphia celebrated its twenty- first anniversary with a banquet on May 8th, The Century Club was organized as the Century Wheelmen in 1886, and Mr. Kirk Brown was the first president. The first club house was at 1612 Park Ave. Later the club removed to 1807 N. Broad St., until a fire destroyed their home, when the present property at 1606 N. Broad St. was purchased and improved. It used to be a bicycle club, but that was in the last century. It is now altogether social, although it cherishes its traditions.