Page:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu/28

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44 of the bladder.

45 46 of the vrine.

47 of the belly.

48 of the nauell.

49 of the genitalls of both kindes.

50 of the buttockes.

51 of the thighs.

52 of the knees.

53 of the legges.

54 of the ſeete.

55 of the ſole of the foote.

56 of the heele:

57 of the bones.

58 of the marrow.

59 of the griſtle.

60 of the ſinewes.

61 of the vaines.

62 of the Fleſh.

63 of fatneſſe.

64 of the ſkinne.

65 of the haire about the body.

66 of the haire on the head.

¶Liber ſextus, containeth 30. Chapter.

1 Of age.

2 of death.

3 of the dignitie of man.

4 of the creatiō of the child.

5 of the little child.

6 of a child.

7 of the maide.

8 of the mother.

9 of the daughter.

10 of a Nurſe.

11 of a midwife.

12 of a ſeruant woman.

13 of a male.

14 of a man.

15 of a father.

16 of a ſeruant man.

17 of an euill ſeruant.

18 The conditions of a good ſeruant.

19 of a good Lord.

20 of an euill Lord or lordſhip.

21 of meate.

22 of drinke.

23 of dinner and faſting.

24 of Supper.

25 of ſleepe.

26 of ſleepe, what it is.

26 of waking. 27.

27 of dreaming.

28 of the operation of dreaming, tituled Addition.

29 of trauaile.

30 of reſt.

Liber ſeptimus containeth 72. Chapters.

1 Of infirmities.

2 of head ach, and of the cauſes and ſignes thereof.

3 of medicines and remedies for ach and paine of the head.

4 of the poſe, rume, or ſneeuell.

5 of the phrenſie, and theyr cauſes.

6 of madneſſe, & the cauſes and ſignes thereof.

7 of gnawring, dizineſſe, and forgetfulneſſe.

8 of giddineſſe or light witted.

9 of waking.

10 of the falling ſickneſſe.

11 of ſneeſing.

12 of head aking.

13 of the crampe.

14 of the palſie.

15 of the diſeaſe of the eyen.

16 of the webbe in the eye.

17 of the infection of the eye.

18 of running of teares.

19 of default of ſight.

20 of blindneſſe

21 of deafneſſe.

22 of Polipus, ſuperfluous fleſh.

23 of the diſeaſe of the noſethrills.

24 Of ſtinking of the mouth.

25 of the tooth ach.

26 of the tongue and lacke of ſpeech.

27 of hoarſneſſe.

28 of ſquinacie and ſtrangling of the throat.

29 of the difficultie of breathing

30 of corrupt Spettle.

31 of the Tiſike.

32 of heart quaking.

33 of the feauer.

34 of the feauer Eſſimera.

35 of the feauer Etike.

36 of the feauer putrida.

37 of the tokens of feauer putrida.

38 of the feauer quotidian.

39 of the Tercian.

40 of the feauer quartane.

41 of the feauer quotidian.

42 of Fleagme.

43 of neeſing.

44 of loathing or fainting.

45 of vnmoderate appetite

46 of yoxing.

47 of ſpuing.

48 of ache of the belly.

49 of torment.

50 of Diſſenteria.

51 of Lienteria.

52 of the dropſie.

53 of the Iaundiſe.

54 of the Emeroides.

55 of the ache of the reines.

56 of Hernia.

57 of Arthetica paſſio.

58 of Gutta ſciatica.

59 of Podagre.

60 of a Poſtume.

61 of Blaines.

62 of Puſtules or wheales.

63 of ſcabs.

64 of dry ſcabbes and itch.

65 of Lepra or meſelry.

66 of the French poxe.

67 of the morphew.

68 of venimous wormes.

69 of the biting of a madde dogge.

70 the remedye againſt the biting of a madde dogge.

71 of medicines.