Page:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu/37

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voyce, but with his legges, ca. 13. fo. 183.
Liber. 12.
Thoſe ſprings whoſe current is towarde the riſing of the Sunne are wholſommeſt, cap. 3, folio. 191
Of Scilla and Charibdin, ca. 23. 196.
Eeles grow of deaw in May, ca. 29. 198
Liber.14. the firſt Table expreſſeth.
Liber. 15.
Of Athiens, cap. 5. folio. 213
The originall of the Amazons, ca. 62. 215
Of Antwerpie, ca. 13. folio. 215. Addition.
Of Britaine added. folio. 219. Read al the Addition of this booke.
Liber. 16.
Of precious ſtones. Read alſo all the Ad.
Liber. 17
Of hearbes and trees, whoſe ſpeciall vertues are diſcloſed in their Additions.

Liber. 18.
Of the pith in the ridge bone of a man, commeth a ſerpent, cap. 9. folio. 344.
The Baſiliſke. Addition. cap. 16. 351
The Crocodile, cap. 33. folio. 359. Add.
Of Engliſh Grypes, cap. 56. 368.
Of Sheepe & their diſcommoditie, ca. 81. folio. 376. Addition.
Read alſo the Additi. to the chapters of this booke.
Liber. 19.
Addition of the 117. chapter, of Vipers and ingraters of markets.
Of Limning in the 19. booke, which is the ſkilfull placing of colours.
Of Meaſures in fol. 418. newly added.

¶A neceſſarie Catalogue, of the moſt hardeſt olde Engliſh words, how they maye be truly vnderſtood after our vſuall ſpeaking, as well in all other old Copies, as in this booke: next vnto euery ſuch word, is the knowen Engliſh.

Angells inwit, heauenly knowledge. Araied, furniſhed, ſkilled, or beautified. Attercop, a ſpider. Arerid, lifted vp. A ſpiracle, a loftie ſentence or a quickning conceipt. Arbalaſtes, croſſe-bowes. Anon, ſpéedely or ſhortly after. A ſeeth, that is an attonement. Ayen, againe. A ſwap, a blow or ſtroke on any part of the body, duſſet ſignifeith the ſame, & alſo a cuffe. Benimmeth, witholde or kéepe. Botraces, venemous frogs. Bounching, bending or ſwelling. Blenching, mixing, & ſometime dazeling. Beſhine, to give light vnto, or illuminate. Beſhined, lightned, or beautified. Burgening, when the young twigge appeareth. Buffing, ſtutting or ſtammering, ſomtime it ſignifieth boſting. Blooneſſe, yale or wan. Boliſme, immoderate appetite. Botchy, ſwelling vp or cockeling. Behoteth, promiſeth. Breechmen, Mariners or ſaylers. Boiſtous, groſe, or ſtubberne. Bedes, petitions.

Cleeretie, brightneſſe. Couenable, néedful, Couth, that is know or knew. Curtels, Nerues and ſmall rimnes in the bodie. Clight, cloſed or faſtened togethers. Cleping, promiſing.

Deſcriued, reuealed. Doome diſtributiue, particular iudgement. Dole, ſorow. Deeming, to ſuppoſe. Drastes, refuſe or loes of

wine, or of humor. Dennes, caues or holow places, diſtingweth, diuideth. Deale, to beſtow or part. Dread, to be in feare. Decorate, to beautifie. Defieng, to digeſt. Dunch, deafe or herd of hearing. Dulcet, ſweet, pleaſant or daintie. Dunder, thunder or tempeſt.

Exciteth, ſtirreth or inlardgeth. Encheſon, forfait. Enſinement, perſeuerance. Eleingneſſe, waiward and ſolitary. Eald, olde. Fundement, foundation or beginning: it is taken for the longation: which is termed the fart hoale, or arſe gut, it maye be called the venticle for the ſtomacke. Feat, neat or clenly. Feruor, ſeruent or earneſt. Gendrid, begotten. Gaſtnes, apparations. Grolleng, wallowing of ye ſtomach. Goſtes, ſpirits. Gropeng, féeling. Grieſely, fearefull to beholde. Gouſhes, ſtreames. Grees, degrées, qualities or parts. Gnaureng, forgetfulneſſe. Gabbing, prating, or vnſeemly ſpeaking. Highted, beautified, or to make handſome. Houen, to aduance or ſet vp. Hearingles, deafe. Hirelings, ſeruants. Hiew, ſhape or ſéemlineſſe. Horie, mouldie or fended. Hele, to couer or ovucreaſt. Hem, them. Intelligence, vnderſtanding. Inwit, conceit of minde. Inſundid, confounded. Innermore, before written.