Page:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu/42

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wherefore being multiplied in it selfe, doth bring forth nothing but it self: it is indiuisible void of all parts, but if at any time it serne to be diuided, it is not cut a sunder, but multiplied, to wit, into vnities, yet none of these vnities is greater or lesse, then the whole vnitie, euen as part is lesse then the whole. Wherefore it is multiplied, not into parts, but into it selfe, and therfore some haue called this Concord, some Pietie, some friendship, because it is so knit, yͭ it cannot be cut into parts, & Marcianus after Aristotle affirmeth, that Cupid is so named, because it is one alone, & wold euer haue himselfe to be sought, & hath nothing besides, but being voide of all elation or couple, doth wrest his owne heates to himselfe: wherefore one, is the beginning, and end of all things, hauing no beginning nor end, nothing is before one, one is the beginning of all things, & all things are euen vnto one, and beyond it there is nothing, and things that are, desire the very one, because all things procéed of one, & to the end, that al things may be one, it must néedes be, that they participate from that one, & as al things procéed from that one into many, so euery thing that indeauoureth to that one from whom they proceed, must of necessitie put of multitude, wherefore one is referred to almightie God, who forasmuch as he is one, and innumerable, doth create innumerable things of himselfe, and containeth them within himselfe: wherefore there is one God, one world of one God, one Sunne of one world, & one Phaenix in the worlde: one king among Bées: one Bel-weather among sheep: one leader in the herd: and Cranes follow one, & many other creatures worship the vnitie. Among the members of the body, there is one beginning, of whō the residue are ruled, whether it be the head, or as some would haue it, ye hearte. There is one Element ouercomming & pearcing all things, which is fire. There is one thing created of God, ye subiect of all wonderfulnes, which is in heauen & earth, it is in act Animall, Vigitable, & Minerall, found euery where, knowne of very few, expressed of none with his proper name, but couered with innumerable figures & ridles, without the which, neither Alcami, neither naturall magicke, are able to attaine to their perfect end: frō one man Adam all were brought forth, through him alone all died: Through Iesus Christ alone they wer again born a new. And as the Apostle Paul saith, Ephe, 4 One Lord, one faith, one Baptisme, one God & father of all, one mediatour of God & men, & one most high creatour, which is aboue all, through all things, & in vs al, for there is one God the father, frō whō all things are, and we in him, one God, Iesus Christ, by whom all things are, & we by him, one God the holy Gohst, into whom all things, are, & we into him.

Scala vnitatis.


In the world bearing the platforme of all.

Ther is one diuine essence, the fountain of all vertue, and power, & his name is expressed in one most simple letter.

The Intellectuall world. Soule of the world by the which all things liueth. One most high intelligence the first creature, the fountaine of liues.


In the Celestiall world. The Sunne. One King of stars, fountaine of light.

In the Elementall world. The Philosophers stone. One substaunce of all vertues naturall & supernaturall.


In the lesser world. The heart. One first liuing, & last dieng.

In the world Infernall. Lucifer. One chieftaine of the rebellion of Angels and darknesse.

The rest of the Ladders shalbe diuided into those places requisite, for the setting forth the names of God, and knowledge of hidden mysteries.