Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the Battle of the Frogs and Mice.djvu/11

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or the Battle of the FROGS and MICE.
Tho' thou art more accustom'd to the Sea.
But know, perfidious Prince! with like Disdain
My gallant Friends shall stretch thee on the Plain;
Shall doom thy trembling, guilty Shade to dwell
With those whose Punishment is deepest Hell.

Thus having spoke, amidst the Waves he dies,
An endless Slumber seals his darken'd Eyes.
It chanc'd as near the flow'ry Banks he stood,
Lichopinax th' expiring Hero view'd.
With hideous Howling swift he ran to tell
How lost Psicharpax in the Waters fell.
Soon as the Mice the dreadful News receiv'd,
For lost Psicharpax ev'ry one was griev'd.
Strait were the Heralds order'd to proclaim,
That when the Day should first o'er Ocean flame,
The banded Legions, hastning, must resort
To the sad [1]Monarch's melancholy Court;
Whose Son, far distant from the River's Side,
Lay floating, breathless, on the driving Tide.

  1. Troxartes.
