Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the Battle of the Frogs and Mice.djvu/22

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Let therefore Pallas join'd with Mars descend
To check his Fury, and the Frogs defend.
So spake the Pow'r who shakes the boundless Skies;
And the stern God of Battle thus replies:

Vain will be Pallas', and our Arm as vain
To save the Frogs, and drive him from the Plain.
Let all go down his Vengeance to controul,
Or bid thy Thunders crush his daring Soul;
Those Thunders whose resistless Rage o'erthrew
Enceladus and all his ghastly Crew.

He ceas'd; and strait th' Eternal from on high
Darts the bright Terrors through the burning Sky;
Leap the red Bolts, impetuous, from his Hand;
Olympus shakes, both Armies trembling stand.
Yet still the Mice their Enemies pursu'd,
And doom'd to certain Death the croaking Brood:
But fav'ring Jove, their Ruin to prevent,
A frightful Troop to their Assistance sent.

'Pour'd from the neighb'ring Strand, deform'd to View,
'They march, a sudden unexpected Crew!
