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When the Pruſſian cavalry came up,
they fought like lions bold,
Led on by General Blucher
of 83 years old ;
Like lions bold, undaunted then,
we forced them to fly,
Come, come, cries General Blucher,
we’ll conquer them or die.

And when the dreadful moan came in,
the 18th day of June,
And near the hour of twelve o’clock,
ten thouſand were cut down.
Then cried the Duke of Wellington,
Come on, my warlike men,
This is the day they’ll conquer us,
or we will conquer them.

They clos’d full ſaſt on every ſide,
no ſlackneſs could be found,
And many a thouſand heroes bold
lay dead upon the ground,
Reſolved was Duke Wellington,
to lay the Frenchmen’s pride,
The fields were ſtain’d with crimſon blood,
death teem’d on every ſide.

Great guns did roar like thunder,
the battle rag’d amain,
And in this gallant action,

many thouſands there were ſlain,