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King William as our General,
no martial e'er was braver,
With hat in hand his valiant men,
he thank'd for their behaviour.
We'll ſheath our ſwords and reſt a while,
in time we'll follow after, (ſmile,
Theſe words King William ſpoke with a
that day we croſs'd the water.
That pattern day proved too hot,
for King James and all his army,
He would rather chooſe for to retreat,
than to ſtand and be diſarm'd.
We'll give our pray'ers both night and day,
both now and ever after,
And let us never forget the day,
King James ran from the water.
AS now my bloom comes on a pace,
the ſwains begin to teaze me;
But two, who claim the foremoſt place,
try different ways to pleaſe me.
To judge aright, and chuſe the beſt,
is not ſo ſoon decided;
When both their merits are expreſt,
may be leſs divided.
Palemon's flocks unnumber'd ſtray,