Page:Beaumont - 1811 November 24.djvu/1

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St. Albans, 24th Nov 1811

My Dear parents

Who at this time, and for some time gone, have been affectionately upbraiding their ungrateful Son for neglecting to comply with their most anxious and reasonable solicitations, will kindly pardon a breach of duty which arises not from want of natural feelings or grateful rememberance—But buried among books and absorb'd by thoughts and reflections, am indifferent to almost every other topic, even to those endearing themes of Paternal love, Maternal affection and Fraternal esteem, which demand the first, the last and the dearest sentiments of my heart.

I enjoy two of the best gifts of Heaven; health and peace; the wealthiest can enjoy but one more (which is competence) but many, very many, Frowns and misfortunes which by me are unexperienced.

My situation affords me a very pleasant life, though it requires my utmost diligence and perserverence in the pursuit of a Medical Profesion of which, sooner or later, I hope to exhibit specimens of proficiency in an art which in this enlightened age of reason and under the modern improvements of Chemistry and Physiology, bids fair to rise with healing on her wings.

My local situation is such that you need give yourself no uneasiness about, I shall be able to meet the exegencies of my Education[1]

  1. Additional text in left margin: I most anxiously enjoin it upon my dear Sisters and Brothers to improve every possible opportunity of gaining the best education and fund of information that their circumstances, and the ease and comfort of their Parents will possibly allow and lose not a golden moment of improvement or exchange it for worlds of vain pleasures—I wish John to acquire the Latin language the first opportunity he may possibly have in special company with my request under the anticipation of its familiarity to him.