Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/104

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time, of a new era, or a New Dispensation of Christianity, pointed at in the symbolic language of divine prophecy under the figure of the Holy City New Jerusalem, which was seen coming down from God out of heaven. This New Dispensation consists of a new and higher interpretation of the Word of God—an unfolding of its interior and spiritual sense—together with a disclosure of the great facts and laws of the spiritual world. It may, therefore, truly be called a second advent of the Lord, since it is a revelation or advent to the minds of men, of a better understanding of the Word; and the Word is the Lord. For we read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

This New Dispensation is repeatedly foretold in the New Testament. And we have seen how much it was needed a few centuries ago. The general belief among Christians, in the doctrine of infant damnation, proves how great was the darkness which then prevailed, and how much the church needed enlightening, upon this subject at least. And now, since the light has come—for all will acknowledge that more enlightened views prevail now than formerly—we find, on turning to the pages of Swedenborg, that he has spoken according to the highest ideas of the present day upon this subject, although he wrote a hundred years ago. It is chiefly through him and his writings, or in consequence of the light of that New Dispensation, of which he was the divinely appointed