Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/106

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outer vail of the letter, and revealed a higher and heavenlier meaning in the Sacred Scripture than had been known before. They know that they have opened to their longing vision new views of the divinity and inspiration of the Word—new views of life, death, and the resurrection—new views of the nature and the way of salvation—new views of heaven and of heavenly joy—new views of hell and of the nature of its torments—new views of the wisdom, love, and providence of the Lord—new views, in short, of every subject which concerns us as spiritual and immortal beings; and views not less beautiful, elevating, gladdening and rational, than they are new. And these people naturally ask, whether writings, which possess such an illuminating power, can themselves be false, and from hell. "Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?"

We close this little treatise, therefore, with an affectionate and earnest invitation to all sincere seekers after the truth, and the time meaning of the divine Word, to take up and read, diligently and prayerfully, the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem as unfolded in the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. We assure them that they will find here a treasure of inestimable worth—"a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees; of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined."