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102 ANGELIC WISDOM CONCXBNINO THK DIVINB PROVIDBNCB. One Yol. 8to., pp. 2*74^ Prioe 40 eta. This work treats of the nature and operations of the Diyine Provi- dence, and unfolds the eternal laws of order, by which the Divine Government is regulated. It shows, among other things, that the Divine Providence has for its end a heaven of angels from the human race ; that there are Laws of the Divine Providence, among which are these : That a man should act from liberty according to reason ; that a man should not be forced by extwnal means to think and will, and so to believe and love, the things which ams of religion, but that he should lead and sometimes force himself to it; that a man should be led and taught from the Lord out of heaven by the Word, and by doctrine and preaching from the Word : That the Divine Providence, from things the most singular, is universal, and that, in all it does, it has respect to what is eternal with man, and to things temporary only so far as they accord with tilings eternal : That the Laws of permission are also Laws of the Divise Providence, and for. what end evils are pwranitted: That the Divine Providence is equally with the wicked and the good: That every man may be reformed, and that there is no such thing aa predestination : And that the Lord cannot act against the Laws of the Divine Providence, because to act against them, would be to act against his Divine Love and his Divine Wisdom, consequently against Himsel£ These, and many other topics of a kindred nature, are treated in an exhaustive, and at the same time in a lucid, masterly and eonvineo ing manner, in this volume. ■♦♦■ HEAVEN AND ITS "WOITDERS^ THE "WORLD OF SPIRITa AJUD HELL: FROM THINGS SEEN AND HEABD. One vol 8vo., pp. 36a Price 60 cts. This work unfolds the laws of the spiritual world, describes tho condition of both good and evil spirits there, and discloses the order